Embodied carbon methodology - User survey

We are keen to receive feedback on our embodied carbon methodology for facades.  Your feedback is really important to help us better understand how the methodology is being used, what challenges are being faced, and how it might be improved in the future.  Thank you in advance for your views.

Take the survey.

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  • Javier Montemayor - July 18, 2023

    The new EC Methodology does clarify some loopholes regarding emissions during off-site assembly & fabrication, grouped into the A2 & A3 modules. The factors & formulas shown to conceptually account for these stages are clear and give a good placeholder during the early design process. The guidance given for A4 & A5 is also consistent with the previous methodology. Some points that might need more clarification are:
    - Reference to waste material rates, both for the off-site & on-site assembly, as well as the end-of life stage
    - For the B4 module, reference life spans per material/component or reference to studies addressing service life
    - For the C1 module, distinction in figures between a deconstruction and demolition situation
    - Diagrammatical solution on how the D module should be accounted on a EC calculation
    - As highlighted in the report, scale-up factor references to account for façade uncertainties

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