Facade Health & Safety
Welcome to the new CWCT health and safety initiative.
The guidance contained in these pages is not intended to be prescriptive,
neither is the information provided exhaustive. Instead, the guidance is
intended to inform readers of certain health and safety concerns, so that
they may be considered by designers and contractors. Where applicable,
references to existing CWCT guidance is provided, together with other
sources of relevant information.
We welcome your feedback on this initiative. It is intended that this will
be regularly updated. If you have suggestions for topics that you think
should be included, please email cwct@cwct.co.uk.
Comments are also invited on the specific topics included – please use
the comments section at the end of each item. Due to the nature of the topic, if you would prefer your comment to be anonymous,
please enter ‘anonymous’ in the name field. You are required to enter an email address, however this is not displayed on the website along
with the comment. Alternatively, please email your comments to cwct@cwct.co.uk.
The views and opinions expressed within the comments are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of CWCT.