Automated facade control |
This guide gives advice on the design, procurement, construction and operation of automated facades. It is intended for all those involved with automated facades including: clients, architects, M&E consultants, façade contractors, BMS contractors and suppliers. Facades are automated to control ventilation and shading. Automation can be used to optimise the shading performance through the seasons and allow it to distinguish between detrimental and beneficial solar gain. This guide describes the components that are used to construct automated facades and how the processes of design, procurement and construction differ from those for simpler facades. |
Authors: |
David Metcalfe Stephen Ledbetter |
Status: | Report | Published: | 2009 |
ISBN: | Pages: | 104 | Cost: |
CWCT members £FOC Non-members £25 |
The design and construction of automated facades requires collaboration between many designers, suppliers and contractors. It is the Client’s role to ensure that appropriate designers are appointed and to develop an appropriate Client’s brief. Increasingly Clients are employing building physicists and façade consultants to assist in the consideration of different building strategies and the development of the Client brief. The Client should be clear about why the façade is being automated and how it will be integrated into other aspects of the building including the BMS and possibly the IT systems . The procurement process is equally important and has to recognise the need for early design inputs from suppliers and contractors. . Automated facades comprise windows, vents, shading devices, blinds and sensors in addition to the window or wall framing system. These will be supplied by different contractors or manufacturers and have to be selected to be compatible not only physically, in terms of geometry and force, but also electrically, in terms of cabling, power and signals. The compatibility of components and the interoperability of components and controls means that components cannot simply be substituted at a late stage in the construction process but construction of automated facades need be no more complex than that of simpler facades with exception of scheduling of the work and commissioning. |
Automated facade control |
This guide gives advice on the design, procurement, construction and operation of automated facades. It is intended for all those involved with automated facades including: clients, architects, M&E consultants, façade contractors, BMS contractors and suppliers. Facades are automated to control ventilation and shading. Automation can be used to optimise the shading performance through the seasons and allow it to distinguish between detrimental and beneficial solar gain. This guide describes the components that are used to construct automated facades and how the processes of design, procurement and construction differ from those for simpler facades. |
Authors: |
David Metcalfe Stephen Ledbetter |
Status: | Report | Published: | 2009 |
ISBN: | Pages: | 104 | Cost: |
CWCT members £FOC Non-members £25 |
The design and construction of automated facades requires collaboration between many designers, suppliers and contractors. It is the Client’s role to ensure that appropriate designers are appointed and to develop an appropriate Client’s brief. Increasingly Clients are employing building physicists and façade consultants to assist in the consideration of different building strategies and the development of the Client brief. The Client should be clear about why the façade is being automated and how it will be integrated into other aspects of the building including the BMS and possibly the IT systems . The procurement process is equally important and has to recognise the need for early design inputs from suppliers and contractors. . Automated facades comprise windows, vents, shading devices, blinds and sensors in addition to the window or wall framing system. These will be supplied by different contractors or manufacturers and have to be selected to be compatible not only physically, in terms of geometry and force, but also electrically, in terms of cabling, power and signals. The compatibility of components and the interoperability of components and controls means that components cannot simply be substituted at a late stage in the construction process but construction of automated facades need be no more complex than that of simpler facades with exception of scheduling of the work and commissioning. |